Congratulations to Dianne Snowden who was among those receiving an honour this Queen’s birthday: from today’s Mercury – Heritage, education dynamo
HOBART historian and genealogical researcher Dianne Snowden has been awarded an AM in this year’s Queen’s Birthday Honours.
Dianne Snowden.
Dr Snowden was awarded the honour for significant service to the community, to higher education and to heritage groups.
Dr Snowden has been working in the field since 1985 and is the author and co-author of a publications and was a lecturer at the University of Tasmania between 2009 and last year.
She has also served as chair of the Tasmanian Heritage Council and the Community Advisory Committee of the Cascades Female Factory Historic Site and the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority.
Dr Snowden was the president of the Professional Historians Association (Tasmania) of which she has been an accredited member since 1997.