Queensland overhaul of their Birth, Deaths & Marriages Registration Act 2023

Photo by Liv Bruce on Unsplash


Queensland has overhauled their requirements for births, deaths and marriages with the  Birth, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 2023, this is to reflect changing attitudes to gender and family composition.

With birth registrations, parents will now have options as to how they list their parental roll ie: mother and father or mother and mother etc.   For those 16 and older who wish to change the sex on their birth certificate, they may now fill in an online form and pay the relevant fee.

With death registrations half siblings will now be recorded, in the past it was only full siblings.  Previously, only “marriage” partners showed on a death registrations, whereas now, defacto partners will also be listed.

These are just a sample of the changes made, more details are available here. The new Act took effect on the 24 June 2024.